A Practical Guide to Divorce Financial Planning in Arapahoe County

Joshua Dunlop |

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Going through a divorce can feel like navigating a stormy sea, can't it? One of the most intimidating aspects of this life-altering process is untangling your finances, a task that can be complex and fraught. This can be particularly true in Arapahoe County, where Colorado's divorce laws underpin the division of property and debts. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by these financial waters, uncertain about your future, or just plain lost, you're not alone. Our practical guide to divorce financial planning in Arapahoe County aims to sail you through the tempest towards more certain grounds.

Divorce isn't just an ending—it's also the beginning of the next chapter of your life. In the midst of all the emotions and decisions, it’s easy to overlook the impact your divorce can have on your financial future. From dividing marital property, managing debts, to understanding possible tax implications; each decision can have a lasting impact. You might be asking yourself, "How can I secure my financial footing in the wake of a life-altering event like a divorce?" At the heart of the answer is a well-considered divorce financial plan.

At NewMaker Financial, we understand that these challenges are uniquely tough and can feel overwhelming. That's why we bring you our Guide to Divorce Financial Planning in Arapahoe County providing a step-by-step path towards financial stability and independence.

In this guide, we aim to demystify and simplify the financial aspects of divorce by covering essential topics such as:

  • Understanding Divorce Laws in Colorado including equitable distribution and debt division
  • The crucial role of a financial planner in divorce proceedings
  • Key aspects of divorce financial planning
  • Steps to take for effective divorce financial planning
  • Tips for successful divorce financial planning

With our guidance, you’ll not only gain a clearer understanding but also feel confidently equipped to navigate the financial complexities of divorce in Arapahoe County.

Infographic detailing the steps for divorce financial planning - guide divorce financial planning arapahoe county infographic pillar-5-steps

Understanding Divorce Laws in Colorado

A crucial first step in your guide to divorce financial planning in Arapahoe County is understanding Colorado's divorce laws. Knowing these laws can guide your financial decisions and help you protect your financial interests during and after the divorce process.

Equitable Distribution in Colorado

In Colorado, the rule of "equitable distribution" applies during divorce. This means that all marital property must be divided in a manner that is considered fair, rather than a straightforward 50-50 split. NewMaker Financial can provide valuable insights into the intricacies of equitable distribution, aiding you in making informed decisions about dividing assets like real estate, retirement accounts, and investments.

How Debts are Divided in a Divorce in Colorado

Just as assets are divided during a divorce, so are debts. The division of debts in Colorado follows the principle of equitable distribution, which means the split may not necessarily be even. The judge will determine the most equitable division, considering factors like each spouse's income, earning potential, and the total amount of debt. Our team at NewMaker Financial can guide you through this complex process, helping you understand how to manage your debts and preserve your financial future.

Impact of Infidelity on Divorce Proceedings in Colorado

You might wonder how infidelity affects divorce proceedings in Colorado. Colorado is a "no fault" state, meaning that the cause of the divorce (like adultery) has little impact on the division of assets, alimony, or child custody. While a spouse may use adultery as a point during the filing process, it generally doesn't influence the financial aspects of divorce. This is a key point to remember as you navigate the emotional and financial complexities of divorce.

Understanding these laws is key to making well-informed financial decisions during divorce. NewMaker Financial is here to guide you through these legal complexities, ensuring you make choices that protect your financial future.

The Role of a Financial Planner in Divorce

Navigating the financial intricacies of divorce can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with the emotional aspects of this significant life event. This is where the expertise of a financial planner comes in.

How a Financial Planner Can Help in Divorce

A financial planner is more than just a number-cruncher. We at NewMaker Financial act as your ally in a battle filled with complex financial documents, unfamiliar jargon, and intricate legalities. Our role is to alleviate your financial stress, foresee potential tax pitfalls, and ensure an equitable division of assets.

Our financial planners can assist in comprehensively evaluating assets and developing a strategic division plan. We help you understand the tax implications of asset division and navigate the complexities of retirement accounts, mortgages, and stock options. Moreover, we assist in determining marital assets and their division as per Arapahoe County-specific divorce laws.

Financial planners also play a crucial role in post-divorce financial planning. This includes updating estate plans, establishing a new budget, and setting short and long-term financial goals to address a stable financial future post-divorce.

Why You Need a Financial Planner in Divorce

In the turbulent time of divorce, financial planners serve as a part of your support network, alongside legal representatives, therapists, and Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). Particularly in Arapahoe County, where divorce laws can be uniquely intricate, having a locally-based professional like NewMaker Financial can make the process smoother and more efficient.

Moreover, financial professionals can help you avoid costly mistakes that can compromise your financial stability post-divorce. They can support you in making informed decisions and guide you towards establishing a confident financial future.

Partnering with a financial planner can also make the divorce process more efficient. As mentioned in our blog post, financial planners and Certified Divorce Financial Analysts™ are often less expensive than divorce attorneys. Yet, they can provide valuable assistance in non-legal matters, freeing up your attorney to advocate for you more effectively.

In conclusion, engaging with a financial planner can provide you with the confidence and security you need during this challenging time. At NewMaker Financial, we are committed to guiding you through this process, addressing you make sound financial decisions that align with your personal circumstances and long-term objectives.

Key Aspects of Divorce Financial Planning

Navigating a divorce can be complex and emotionally taxing. One of the most crucial aspects is understanding and handling the financial implications. As an experienced guide to divorce financial planning in Arapahoe County, we at NewMaker Financial understand the intricacies of these aspects and are here to help. Let's delve into the key areas of divorce financial planning.

Asset Division

When it comes to divorce, asset division is a significant process. Understanding the difference between equitable distribution and community property is critical. Colorado follows the principle of equitable distribution, which means assets are divided fairly, not necessarily equally. Accurate valuation of assets is an essential part of this process to ensure a fair distribution.

Equitable Distribution - guide divorce financial planning arapahoe county

Retirement Accounts and Divorce

Retirement accounts are often significant assets that must be considered in a divorce. It's important to understand your eligibility for spousal benefits, especially when it comes to Social Security Benefits. We provide professional advice on how to handle retirement accounts during a divorce to address your retirement planning isn't adversely affected.

Tax Implications of Divorce

The tax implications of a divorce can be complex and, if not handled correctly, can lead to significant tax liabilities. For instance, asset distribution, especially of real estate and retirement accounts, requires careful planning. At NewMaker Financial, we help you understand these potential tax liabilities and provide guidance on how to structure your settlement to optimize tax outcomes.

Insurance Considerations in Divorce

Insurance is another critical aspect to consider during a divorce. This includes Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Property Insurance. We can guide you through the process of reviewing and updating your insurance policies to ensure continued coverage and protection.

Planning for Child Support and Alimony

If there are minor children involved, understanding child support payments is crucial. Similarly, if one spouse earns significantly less than the other, spousal maintenance payments may be arranged. These aspects are not subject to income tax for the recipient and aren't deductible by the person making the payment. We can help you understand and plan for these financial obligations.

In conclusion, divorce financial planning involves numerous aspects, each with its complexities. At NewMaker Financial, we're here to guide you through these challenges, adressing you make informed decisions that preserve your financial future. We're committed to providing you with the support and expertise you need during this challenging time.

Steps to Take for Effective Divorce Financial Planning

Following our guide to divorce financial planning in Arapahoe County, we have identified four crucial steps that you need to take. These steps will ensure that you're fully prepared and understand the financial implications of your divorce.

Gathering Financial Documents

The first step in the divorce financial planning process is to gather all your financial documents. This includes income statements, tax returns, bank statements, retirement account statements, and any other documents that detail your assets and liabilities. Providing all necessary financial documents and being honest about your financial situation is crucial for developing a comprehensive and personalized financial plan tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

Creating a Post-Divorce Budget

After gathering all your financial documents, the next step is to create a post-divorce budget. This budget should reflect your new income and expenses post-divorce. At NewMaker Financial, we guide our clients on how to create a realistic post-divorce budget that aligns with their new financial reality. This step is crucial to understanding what your post-divorce lifestyle will look like and making necessary adjustments to address financial stability.

Protecting Your Credit During Divorce

Divorce can have a significant impact on your credit score. Therefore, take steps to preserve your credit during the divorce process. This includes paying off joint debts, removing your ex-spouse's name from joint accounts, and monitoring your credit report regularly for any inaccuracies. We at NewMaker Financial can guide you through these steps to seek your credit remains intact during and after the divorce process.

Updating Your Estate Plan

The final step in the divorce financial planning process is to update your estate plan. This includes revising your will, updating beneficiary designations on retirement accounts and insurance policies, and adjusting your powers of attorney. Our team at NewMaker Financial can help you navigate these changes and address your estate plan aligns with your new circumstances.

In conclusion, taking these steps for effective divorce financial planning can significantly reduce the financial stress associated with divorce and help you build a secure financial future. At NewMaker Financial, we understand the complexities of divorce financial planning and are here to support you every step of the way.

Tips for Successful Divorce Financial Planning in Arapahoe County

Navigating through the financial complexities of a divorce can be a daunting task. However, with the right approach and guidance, you can overcome this challenge and set yourself on a path to financial stability and success. Here are some key tips for successful divorce financial planning in Arapahoe County.

Seek Professional Help

One of the first steps in successful divorce financial planning is seeking professional help from a trusted financial planner. At NewMaker Financial, we specialize in guiding individuals through complex financial situations such as divorce. Our team of experienced advisors can help you understand the financial implications of your divorce and guide you through the process of asset division, tax implications, and post-divorce financial planning.

Our team offers specialized knowledge for divorce-specific planning items. Our goal is to aim that the decisions you make today will not adversely affect your financial situation in the future .

Stay Informed and Involved

Staying informed and actively participating in the financial planning process is crucial to pursuing your financial goals post-divorce. This involves communicating openly and honestly with your financial planner about your financial situation, concerns, and goals. Don't hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification on complex financial matters. At NewMaker Financial, we strive to provide transparent and understandable guidance, explaining complex financial matters in simple terms .

Prioritize Your Financial Goals

Finally, successful divorce financial planning involves prioritizing your financial goals. This includes creating a post-divorce budget, managing debt, and adjusting your estate plans and beneficiary designations. With our professional guidance, you can navigate through these aspects and make informed decisions that support your financial well-being and long-term goals .

Divorce is not just an end but also a beginning - a chance to reset your financial future. At NewMaker Financial, we are committed to helping you navigate this major life transition with confidence and security. Our practical guide to divorce financial planning in Arapahoe County is designed to help you understand and navigate the financial complexities of divorce and build a stable financial future.


Navigating the financial aspects of divorce can be a daunting task, filled with complexities and uncertainties. However, with the right guidance and support, it can also be an opportunity to take control of your financial future and lay the foundation for a prosperous life post-divorce. As we've discussed in our guide to divorce financial planning in Arapahoe County, knowledge, planning, and professional assistance are critical to addressing a fair and equitable divorce process.

At NewMaker Financial, we understand the stress and emotions that accompany divorce. Our experienced advisors are here to provide a personalized, step-by-step approach to your financial planning during this critical time. We'll help you understand the intricacies of asset division, tax implications, retirement considerations, and more. Our team is dedicated to safeguarding your financial well-being and aiming the decisions you make today support your long-term financial goals.

Moreover, we believe in empowering you through education, so you can make informed decisions. Our Education Center is a valuable resource filled with insights and guidance on navigating major life transitions, including divorce.

To conclude, divorce can be a challenging time, but it doesn't have to dictate your financial future. With careful planning, professional guidance, and a proactive approach, you can navigate the financial aspects of divorce effectively and lay the groundwork for a secure, prosperous future. If you're seeking assistance with divorce financial planning in Arapahoe County, reach out to us at NewMaker Financial. Our team is ready to guide you through this significant life transition towards a future of financial independence.

For further reading, check out our articles on Estate Planning and Retirement Planning.

Financial Planning - guide divorce financial planning arapahoe county

You don't have to go through this alone. We're here to help.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax or legal advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific situation with a qualified tax or legal advisor.